Cougar Connect – September 29, 2024

Cougar Connect

Your Coolidge PTO Newsletter


Hello Coolidge PTO Families,

Please read below for the most recent PTO announcements and updates. Have a great week!

Coolidge PTO Event Calendar

Click here for a printable PTO event calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.

Wyckoff PTO Coordinating Council - Code of Conduct

 The Wyckoff PTO Coordinating Council recently adopted a code of conduct. They've asked for it to be shared with PTO members at each school.

PTO members at all levels are required to read and uphold the standards of conduct. The document will be sent out to everyone in a dedicated email, added the Coolidge PTO website, and the Wyckoff School District website as well.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Click here to read the Code of Conduct.


Walk and Roll to School Day this Wednesday!




Our first school-wide Green Team event is Coolidge's Annual Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 2.

  • Get some fresh air and leave your car behind!
  • Walk or bike to school to get some exercise and reduce traffic and air pollution! 
  • Students will be greeted by the Cougar and some music upon their arrival on this fun kick-off to the school day!

Fun Idea: Reach out to your friends and neighbors to create a “Walking School Bus” from your neighborhood. Don’t forget about friends that live too far to walk, or are unable to walk with their child(ren). Invite them to be dropped off at your house so they can walk too.

Thank you for joining in on the fun! 

The Coolidge Green Team


Daneen Augello Fall Mini Sessions

There are very two slots remaining for the October 6th mini-sessions with Daneen Augello. 

Please note all purchased sessions are non-refundable, however, you can transfer yourslot to another Coolidge Family.

If you have any questions, please email



Spirit Wear - Last Call!

The Fall Spirit Wear Shop is closing on Monday!
This year we have new t-shirt and sweatshirt designs, stickers and toppers to make your water bottle always have Cougar spirit!

Flow Society Pop Up

Coolidge PTO has partnered with Flow Society to offer some awesome shorts and socks!
Click the link below to order yours today.
If you want free shipping enter the promo code COOLIDGE.  Your shorts will be sent to the Coolidge PTO for your pickup.
You can opt to have shorts/socks directly to you if you pay shipping. Or spend over $65 and get free shipping directly to you!

The first delivery was sent out this week. Be on the lookout for your order!

Literati Book Fair -  Shopping and Volunteer Information

When and Where: Online shopping is open @ person shopping will take place in the multi-purpose room on October 9th and 10th. Your child will have a designated time to attend the fair with their class.  The fair will be open the evening of October 9th for family shopping during the PTO meeting from 6-7:30pm. We will have free babysitting available too. Come shop and attend the PTO meeting while your child has a blast in the art room!

Click here to volunteer at the Book Fair!


How much $$: You can buy a digital gift card for your child (think Scholastic digital wallet) @ This is held digitally and cashiers will access this for your child’s purchase on the day of the book fair. You can also send your child with cash or a check. Don’t forget to include a little extra for TAX. We suggest browsing the attached catalog or the online selections so you can estimate how much money to send in with your child.


Teacher Wish List: Many teachers have created wish lists which can be found here Teacher Wish List.  Please take a moment to visit this link and consider buying a book. Some books on wish lists are gray, which just means they have an additional shipping charge and cannot be sent directly to the school.  Thank you in advance for your generosity. 

Questions: Please contact Erin Roe @ 973-819-6942 or Ashley Mungiello @ 607-280-2054

The Wizards are Back!

Last year's Wizards game was such a success that we are bringing it back again!

Mark your calendars for November 17th at 4pm!Tickets will go on sale October 7th at 8pm


Parent Volunteer Opportunity: Wizards Game

We are looking for volunteers again across all four of the elementary schools. Please note volunteers will get free admission for themeselves only. Volunteers should still purchase tickets for family members when the tickets go on sale on October 7th at 8pm.


Help Serve Lunch at Coolidge!

Please read the following message from the 5th Grade Committee:

The lunch volunteer sign-up is active! PLEASE sign-up to help keep our Monday/Wednesday PTO-sponsored lunches a success!

  1. Signing up is EASY!  Please click the link below.

And NEW this year - you can keep track of all your sign-ups, right on the PTO website! Click on your profile (on the upper right corner) and click on 'my signup receipts'! In addition, we will be sending reminder emails within 48 hours prior to your assigned day.

  1. Volunteering is EASY!  We've streamlined the process even further!  Plus, there will be an assigned 5th grade representative who will act as manager, volunteering alongside you. Lunchtime volunteering is a great opportunity to help out, and also meet new people in the community.  Plus, it's an opportunity to see your kids while they're still excited to see you! 

Please consider volunteering! Any questions? Please contact the 5th Grade Committee at [email protected] .

Harvest Fest Committee Announcements

The Coolidge School PTO annual HARVEST FESTIVAL is back and will be held on Thursday, October 24th after school from 3:20-4:30pm! 

 Click here to volunteer for this fun event.

This is a great opportunity to get involved in a school event!  We’ll need volunteers to run games & craft stations, sell pumpkins, and help with the bake sale. If you can’t be there that day, there are other ways to get involved! We’ll need lots of pumpkin decorators and people to donate cider and treats for the bake sale!

So please consider donating your time or talents and help us make this a great event!

Harvest Fest Pumpkin Decorating Info

The Decorated Pumpkin sale at Harvest Fest is one of our biggest fundraisers and it relies on parent volunteers!
Please click here to sign up to pick up pumpkins to decorate.  You are welcome to decorate as many as you would like).
Pick up will be 10/6 and 10/13. More information is available on the sign up page.  There are many ideas on Pinterest that you can use. After you decorate your pumpkins, you return them on the morning of October 24th before school. 

Rohsler's Fundraiser

Purchase your Pumpkins and Mums from Rohsler's Nursery in Allendale, and they will donate a portion of the sale to the Coolidge PTO. See flyer for details.












Economy Shop

We’re open and the shop is packed with shoppers! Please consider volunteering by signing up here: Economy Shop Volunteer Sign Up. If you love volunteering at the ES already, take the next step and sign up to be a manager! Training is easy and fast. We can manage your first few shifts together. Managers get to choose the music during their shifts- what a bonus! And who doesn't love a little cash register scanner action?! If you’re interested or want to learn more please contact Ashley @ 607-280-2054. 




Ongoing Fundraisers


Need camp labels, sports gear labels, home everyday labels?

Name Bubbles will ship your order quickly and donate 20% of the total back to the Coolidge PTO. - search under Partner search for Coolidge PTO - select and shop!

Additional Info from Coolidge School and the Wyckoff School District

Mr. Famularo's weekend email is available here.

The Wyckoff School District Calendar is available here.

 Click here for the BOE agendas, and approved meeting minutes.


Upcoming Events

October 2nd - Walk/Bike to School Day

October 3rd - Schools Closed

October 7th - Wizards Tickets on Sale

October 9- 6:30pm Coolidge PTO Meeting in the MPR

October 9 -10th - PTO Book Fair at Coolidge

October 14th - Minimum Day

October 16th - PTO Golf Outing

October 24th - 3:20pm PTO Harvest Fest at Coolidge  (Raindate on 10/25)

Week of October 22- 26 - Coolidge Week at Economy Shop - Please volunteer!

October 31st - 2:30pm Halloween Parade at Coolidge

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