Cougar Connect- October 20th, 2024
Hello Coolidge PTO Families,
We had another gorgeous weekend and I hope you all enjoyed it! Please read on for information about Harvest Fest, an upcoming PTO-sponsored Author Visit, and gratitude for our Golf Outing Committee!
Harvest Fest - This Thursday!
Harvest Fest is this Thursday after school! See the graphic below for all the details.
Please remember that this is not a drop-off event. Children must be supervised by a responsible adult.
Harvest Fest Committee Announcements
Thank you to all of our Harvest Fest volunteers! If you signed up to decorate pumpkins, please bring them to the upper blacktop this Thursday morning during drop off.
We are still looking for more volunteers to help out on the day of Harvest Fest. Please continue to sign up on the sign up sheet. This is one of the Coolidge PTO’s favorite events and we want to make it a success for our kids!
Click here to volunteer for this fun event.
Golf Outing - Thank you!
Thank you Anthony Abad, Mark Polizzi, Sammi Eletto, Michelle Gibney, Andrea Messina and Erin Collins for organizing the 7th Annual Coolidge PTO Golf Outing this year! We appreciate how hard you worked to bring our community together for a great day of golf in support of the PTO!
Another big thanks to our generous event sponsors and donors! Congrats to our silent auction winners who won some fabulous prizes as well!
If you have photos from the event and would like to share them, you can upload them here
(Photos may be used in PTO publications and on the PTO website)
PTO Directories Going Home Soon!
A message from Liz Walker, 1st VP of the PTO....
Directories have been printed! Paid PTO members will receive a hard copy early this week. The directory will go home with the oldest child in the school.
Volunteer at Coolidge! 
We’re currently looking for help with this week’s Harvest Fest, and Monday/Wednesday lunches during the school year. Please take a look at our sign up page and explore all the ways you can get involved and support the PTO.
Click here to explore current volunteer opportunities 🙂
Wyckoff School District - Parent Survey
All parents are encouraged to participate in the Wyckoff School District’s parent survey. Please share your thoughts and feedback before October 21st.
Click here to be taken to the survey page.
Harlem Wizards - Volunteers Needed.
The Harlem Wizards event is hosted by the Wyckoff PTO Coordinating Council and all K-5 Elemtary School PTOs in the Wyckoff School District. We need volunteer support from all school communities to help contribute to the success of this event.
There are a few volunteer spots available for merch sales, concession stand, event photography, and more. Please consider signing up today! Volunteers will receive free event admission. Please reach out to Sammi and Michelle at [email protected] if you have questions about volunteering.
Economy Shop Update
This week is Coolidge Week! If you can volunteer please sign up here Economy Shop Volunteer Sign Up. There are still openings this week for managers and volunteers. Please help if you can.
The Economy Shop continues its hunt for two new Co-Presidents. The shop will remain open until December under its current leadership, but will then close unless we find two new Co- Presidents to lead us into the new year. Could you be the leadership we’re looking for? Email any questions or interest to [email protected].
Upcoming Author Visit - Sarah Weeks
The PTO is sponsoring an Author Visit at Coolidge School on November 21st. Mrs. Han has created an informational flyer about the visit. Please click here for all the info!
WEF Event @ Superdome
WEF has organized a Wyckoff Schools Field Day at Superdome on Monday, November 11th, from 9am - 3pm. Students from K-8th grade are invited to attend. Please see the flyer for more information.
Ongoing Fundraisers- Name Bubble and Box Tops
Need camp labels, sports gear labels, home everyday labels?
Name Bubbles will ship your order quickly and donate 20% of the total back to the Coolidge PTO. - search under Partner search for Coolidge PTO - select and shop!
Additional Info from Coolidge School and the Wyckoff School District
Mr. Famularo's weekend email is available here.
The Wyckoff School District Calendar is available here.
Click here for BOE meeting agendas, and approved meeting minutes.
Coolidge PTO Event Calendar
Click here for a printable PTO event calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.
Important Dates
October 24th - 3:20pm PTO Harvest Fest at Coolidge (Rain date on 10/25)
Week of October 22- 26 - Coolidge Week at Economy Shop - Please volunteer!
October 31st - 2:30pm Halloween Parade at Coolidge
November 7th and 8th - School’s Closed
November 11th - No School / Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 17th - Wizards Game at Ramapo High School
November 18th - Minimum Day / Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 19th- Delayed Opening at 10:20 AM
November 21st- Sarah Weeks Author Visit (thank you PTO)
November 27th- Minimum Day
November 28th and 29th - Schools Closed - Thanksgiving