Cougar Connect- February 2nd, 2025
Dear Coolidge Families,
The Groundhog has spoken, and it looks like we’re in for six more weeks of winter, whether we like it or not. Thanks for nothin' Punxsutawney Phil! While we may need to bundle up for a while, at least we have some fun PTO events to look forward to, like the 4th and 5th grade Kids Night, Parents Night Out, and May Dinner! Read on for the all the details... and stay warm out there!
Valentine’s Day Pizza Fundraiser
-Orders are Due Today-
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your Coolidge Cougar Sweethearts by having a fun DIY Pizza party!
The Coolidge PTO has partnered with Francesca’s in Glen Rock to offer a few heart Pizza Kit options.
Each kit includes sauce, cheese and a dough option (raw dough, prebaked heart (Boboli style), or a prebaked gluten free round). Each kit is $17.50.
Order a kit for your kids to share and one for you and your sweetheart! Or even better have a pizza party and order a few more kits for all to enjoy!
Please place your pizza kit(s) orders by 2/2/2025, use the link here
Kits will be available for pickup at school on 2/12/2025 from 3:00- 3:45 location TBD.
Note: Kits should be refrigerated upon pick up and are good to be used for 2-3 days after you pick them up on 2/12/2024.
WEF Sweetheart Dance - Last Call for Boutonniere and Corsage Orders
Bagels, Jersey Mikes, and Pizza Lunch Info
If you ordered Bagels, Jersey Mike's, and/or Pizza lunch for the 2nd half of the school year, your child will start receiving those lunches this week. Thank you for supporting the PTO lunch fundraisers!
Lunch volunteers are always welcome! Please click here for our signup page.
4th / 5th Grade Kids Night - This Friday!
The Coolidge School PTO Fourth and Fifth Grade Kids Night will be at URBAN AIR ADVENTURE PARK in South Hackensack
Friday, February 7th.
Parent/Guardian permission is required for your child to attend.
Drop off begins at 6:30 pm and the event is from 7:00pm - 9:00pm.
Please submit a permission form for your child by clicking the appropriate link below. Information and instructions for the Urban Air waiver can be found on the google form.
Please reach out to Kelly Harteveld at [email protected] with any questions.
Thank you!
Theme Day: Just Five Workshop Leaders Needed
On March 14th, the Coolidge PTO will host Theme Day 2025 at Coolidge. We're looking for five more workshop leaders to jump on board and help make this the best Theme Day yet. No experience necessary—just a willingness to have fun and help create an unforgettable day for your kids. Whether you’re passionate about ancient civilizations, futuristic inventions, or anything in between, there’s a workshop space for you at Coolidge! If you'd like to join, but need some direction and inspiration, email [email protected] . There are pre-made workshop plans and a workshop leader guidebook ready to help you get up and running.
Sign up today and help make this year’s Theme Day the best one yet!
PTO Executive Board - Open Positions
If you've been wondering how you can make a difference in our school community, this is your opportunity!
Several board positions will be opening up this spring, and the Nominating Committee will be looking for dedicated volunteers to lead the Coolidge PTO forward. We'd love to other parents in our community bring new ideas to life at Coolidge! The open board positions are listed below. You can click on each job title to review the associated job description. If you're interested in one of these roles, please reach out to the Nominating Committee via email @ [email protected]
2nd VP of Fundraising( two available spots )
Economy Shop
Happy February! Looking to spruce up your Valentine’s Day decorating? We’ve got you covered! Dozens of items are now on sale at the Economy Shop to show your loves (big and little!) how much you care. Hearts of all sizes, books, and even some apparel. Don’t shop at Target for teacher gifts- come find the perfect mug or flower vase here! We also have games, every book you can imagine for kids and adults, and plenty of toys to make your smile this Valentine’s Day. Shop local! Shop small! Shop with us (and don’t forget to volunteer with the link below!)
See you at the Economy Shop!
Click here for the volunteer signup
Parents Night Out - Tickets Now on Sale!
May Dinner
Our 2025 May Friendship Dinner will take place Thursday, May 15th at 6pm at Indian Trail Club.
Click here for an important May Dinner announcement from Penny and Meredith.
EMS 3Rs Day Fundraiser
In support of 3Rs Day at Eisenhower Middle School, you can purchase a sheet of 7 vinyl stickers with your child's school logo on them. Each sheet is $5
3Rs Day features a day of inspirational speakers who have overcome extraordinary challenges. It is a memorable day for the EMS community and your support is needed and appreciated.
The store closes February 21st and the stickers will be sent home with the students in early March.
Contact Marin Green at [email protected] with any questions.
Ongoing Fundraisers
Need camp labels, sports gear labels, home everyday labels?
Name Bubbles will ship your order quickly and donate 20% of the total back to the Coolidge PTO. - search under Partner search for Coolidge PTO - select and shop!
Additional Info from Coolidge School and the Wyckoff School District
Mr. Famularo's weekend email is available here.
The revised Wyckoff School District Calendar is available here.
Click here for BOE meeting agendas, and approved meeting minutes.
Coolidge PTO Event Calendar
Click here for a printable PTO event calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.
Important Dates
February 2nd: Valentine's Day Pizza Kit Orders Due
February 7th: 4th and 5th Grade Kids Night at Urban Air
February 12th: PTO Meeting (Virtual)
February 17- 21st: Schools Closed
March 1st: Parents Night Out @ Bottagra
March 14th: Theme Day!